Your augmented reality step-by-step instructions editor. A platform where you can:
- Add, remove and manage instruction sets at scale;
- Digitalize procedure documents and paper checklists;
- Update instructions in a more convenient way and reduce your time-to-competence once and for all!

Human operators are able to see and interact with step-by-step instructions overlaid on shopfloor equipments through the power of augmented reality. Therefore, complex processes and difficult procedures become digital and easy to follow, while production quality and traceability increases.
- Process guidance through augmented reality instructions, using animations, 3D, video and sound;
- Hands-free interaction with gesture and voice commands;
- Instructions are shown only when needed, so no time is lost looking up information on a paper;
- Digital documents and instructions follow employees around without any effort;
- Streamline process quality assurance, in a growingly complex line production context;
Enables automatic quality assurance checks in manufacturing processes:
- Output checking: making sure if all work outputs in a process deviate from the expected outcome. For example, if a bolt is not detected where it should be, it alerts the worker of a probable mistake and shows how to fix it;
- Sealant and Clamp detection: automatic quality assurance checks can be done on more diverse and sophisticated items, from sealant and clamps to your own process materials.

More than a dashboard, KIT-INSIGHT does a process X-Ray of your workers processes and enables you to literally see how they were actually executed by your team. As a result, you are then able to trace and compare them with your plan in order to continuously improve your operations.
- Bridge the knowledge gap between engineering and shopfloor;
- Enable effective process optimisation by analyzing real work processes;
- Errors and wastes visual traceability;
- Automate Quality Assurance by collecting digital evidences from each process;
- Digitalize continuous improvement process and share it across departments.